Degasser Repair Services Available :
AGILENT / HP Brands (1050, 1100, 1120, 1200, 1220, 1260, 1290): We provide repair services for all
of the Agilent and HP model G1322A,
G1379A, G1379B and G4225A
HPLC stand alone degasser modules plus the integrated degassers found in their newer pump
modules (e.g. G1311B, G1311C, G1312B, G1312C, G4204A, G4220A, G4220B, G7104, G7120A).
These modules most commonly fail after five years of normal use. RED
LED ON = serious error and the system has failed. Yellow light continuously
on = failed to meet specification and will completely fail soon. In both cases, the
degasser is no longer working and 'out-of-compliance'.
It should be repaired. Liquid existing the degasser vent tube also
indicates a serious failure has occured (Stop using the degasser at
once!). All of these problems result in a system which now fails
qualification and may not be used until it has been professionally
repaired. Continued use without repair may result in internal
contamination of your mobile phase and more costly repair.
WATERS Brand: We also provide repair services for
many of the WATERS brand HPLC degasser modules including the Waters DG2 Inline Degasser-AF and
the integrated degassers found in the Waters Alliance 2690, 2695, 2790, 2795, 1525,
Acquity, BSM, UPLC and nano Acquity. Replacement Waters vacuum degasser pumps (e.g. 700001352)
and vacuum chambers (e.g. 700001218, 700001352, 700003753, 289000622) are also available
at greatly reduced prices over Waters retail prices.
Diagnostic Testing of your Degassing Module
Repair, Cleaning
and/or Replacement of Defective Parts
Vacuum Chambers for most models at Lower Prices
Optional High
Performance Vacuum Pump Upgrades
Repair of Component Parts (e.g. Vacuum Sensors, Vacuum Circuit, Power Supplies)
Options for
Professionally Refurbished or New Parts to Save You Money
Lowest Prices,
Highest Quality & Quick Repair Turnaround Times
- Professional
servicing of Shimadzu, Dionex, Thermo, ERC, Systec, Hitachi and other
brands of degasser modules all offered at low prices.
Having Chiralizer Services repair
your existing degasser module is often far less expensive than you
think. Many degassers are serviced for under $1,000 USD. Each one is
different and a repair price can not be quoted until after
we have evaluated your degasser. We start by performing a full
diagnostic evaluation of the degasser in our shop to identify all
problem areas as well as the overall condition of the module. A
detailed repair report and service estimate is provided to you, usually
within one business day of receipt of your degasser. The diagnosis,
repair and testing are all done in our shop by experienced
professionals with over 20 years of experience. Repair turnaround times
are usually less than 2 business days and we have most parts in-stock.
Please give us a call or send
us an email to discuss your needs and we can forward you a diagnostic quote with shipping
return instructions. Note: For the fastest response, please send us an email which
includes your full name, company name, full address, phone #, Degasser Model #, Degasser
Serial Number and problem observed.