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To make the courses as practical as possible, these HPLC Courses are offered at your facility using your own instrumentation. All courses are taught by an expert with over 25 years experience in chromatography who is not an employee of Agilent Technologies. This provides you with an unbiased instructor who is familar with the positive and negative aspects of the equipment. All courses are "hands-on" with emphasis on student participation and teach practical instrument knowledge in a number of different areas that you can use.  Everyone learns something new and useful. Course prices are based on the actual location, number of individuals and topics covered. Custom courses designed to suit your exact needs can also be quoted. Please phone or email us for more information. Some of our more popular courses include :

blueball.gif (152 bytes)   HP / Agilent ChemStation Operation For HPLC

  • An intermediate level overview of the software and hardware features (includes review of the most popular Hardware modules (in either a 1050, 1090, 1100, 1200, 1260 or 1290 HPLC), detailed instrument set-up tips, method creation, sequences, report styles, simple automation, calibration tables, spectral features, peak purity, and advanced maintenance procedures.


2   Days


blueball.gif (152 bytes)   HP / Agilent ChemStation Operation For HPLC (Advanced)

  • Overview of the special software features including; Optimization and operation of your HPLC and computer data system, automating calibration procedures, automating methods, customization of standard reports, use of export file report feature and use of diagnostic tests (via Lab Advisor or ChemStation).


1  Day


blueball.gif (152 bytes)    HP / Agilent ChemStation Operation For HPLC (Mini-Course)

  • A one day version of our popular CS-2001 course. An introductory overview of the  hardware features of either an HP 1050, 1090, 1100, 1200, 1260 or 1290 series HPLC system,  method creation, method editing, naming, sequence parameters, report styles,  DAD spectral features (i.e. bandwidth, reference, sample rate) and basic maintenance/service procedures under ChemStation software.


1  Day


blueball.gif (152 bytes)   HP / Agilent LC-MSD Operation

  • Overview of how to actually use HP’s newest bench top LC-MS system to acquire accurate data. Includes hints and tips on the typical set-up and operation with an electrospray source (ESI) to determine the correct molecular weight of pharmaceutical compounds. Topics covered include; proper HPLC operation and column selection for use in LC-MS, instrument calibration, choosing correct voltage ramps and lens settings for different compounds, solvent choices, forming adducts, positive and negative modes, use of post column doping, and interpretation of results.


1 or 2 Days


blueball.gif (152 bytes)   Diode Array Detector (DAD) Optimization  {HP ChemStation Topics}
  • Advanced use of the diode array detector in method development. The most misunderstood detector in the pharmaceutical sciences will be discusses and by the end of this class you will understand how to correctly set-up and use it for method development. Includes an overview of ChemStation set-up and optimization for specific applications and sample types. Advanced Peak Purity (The single most misunderstood function), Correct use of the 'Reference' Wavelength, bandwidth, proper flow cell selection, slitwidth and wavelength selection as well as library searching are covered.


1  Day


blueball.gif (152 bytes)   ChemStation Quantification & Calibration  {HP ChemStation Topics}
  • Common procedure used to perform quantitative analysis using the HP ChemStation software. Both the importance of proper method development, operation, automation, when and how to update the calibration table data as well as custom reporting topics are covered.


1  Day


blueball.gif (152 bytes)   Automated HPLC Method Development  {HP ChemStation Topics}
  • Strategies to improve your method development procedures using either the HP 1050, 1090, 1100, 1200, 1260 or 1290-Series HPLC and/or LC-MSD system for "after hours" or unattended operation. Various instrument add-ons as well as optimization of your existing hardware and software will be discussed that can both improve your daily sample throughput as well as increase the quality of your data.


1  Day


blueball.gif (152 bytes)   Chiral HPLC Method Development Strategies
  • Unbiased information (we do not sell columns !) that will help you develop high quality chiral HPLC methods on your HPLC system. Column, mobile phase selection and automation will be discussed. We are experts in the chiral HPLC method development field.


1  Day


blueball.gif (152 bytes)   General HPLC Method Development Strategies
  • Unbiased information (we do not sell columns !) that will help you develop high quality Reversed and Normal phase HPLC methods on your HPLC system. Column, mobile phase selection and automation will be discussed.


1  Day



blueball.gif (152 bytes)   HP 1050 Service and Maintenance
  • Instructions and demonstrations as to how to repair and maintain the HP 1050 HPLC modules. Includes all common maintenance procedures such as piston, piston seal, needle, needle seat, rotor seal, flow cell cleaning, lamp testing and replacement, custom diagnostic tests and troubleshooting procedures to keep your instrument operating at it’s peak performance.


1  Day


blueball.gif (152 bytes)   HP 1090 Service and Maintenance
  • Instructions and demonstrations as to how to repair and maintain the research grade HP 1090L or 1090M HPLC system. Includes all common maintenance procedures such as piston, piston seal, needle, needle seat, rotor seal, flow cell cleaning and repair, lamp testing and replacement, optical switch replacement, wash system, rotary valve, metering pump, HPIB configuration, installation of injector and/or pump upgrades, custom diagnostic tests and troubleshooting procedures specific to DR-5 and PV-5 systems to keep your instrument operating at it’s peak performance.


1 or 2 Days


blueball.gif (152 bytes)   HP / Agilent 1100 & 1200, 1260 and/or 1290 Service and Maintenance
  • Professional instruction and demonstrations in how to repair and maintain one model of the HP/Agilent 1100/1200, 1200/1260 or 1290-series HPLC System (Select one) at your facility. Includes common maintenance procedures such as piston, piston seal, needle, needle seat, rotor seal, flow cell cleaning and repair, lamp testing and replacement, custom diagnostic tests plus troubleshooting procedures to keep your instrument operating at it’s peak performance. This is a 'hands-on" advanced client level class for experienced users only.


1  Day Each

Agilent 1100/1200-Series (CS-2100-3);

Agilent 1200/1260-Series (CS-2260-3);

Agilent 1290-Series (CS-2290-3)

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Chiralizer™ Services, L.L.C. USA

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E-mail : Sales@HPLCTOOLS.com